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buildings with a hundred floors,
spinning 'round revolving doors.
baby i don't know where they'll take me.

entries about chat links


the weird, the wacky and the awesome.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 // 10:35 PM

okay. i have to blog today although this breaks all my rules of not blogging until yearlies are over but, srsly, today was great and since when does that happen?

1. OMG OMG. MY COUSIN IS A COOL AWESOME PERSON. he bought me this nike jacket (bright orange but in a good way with blue hems and stuffs) and has this thing inside which you put your music player. COOL AS.
2. so something really cool/strange/awesome happened. MICHELLE LIKED MY WRITING. that speaks for itself. you guys all know how picky she is with her english AND SHE LIKED IT. *moved to tears*
3. so today, no netball but Rosy and I decided to play 'master' which is one person is master and the other has to try and beat the master to become master. The person trying has to try and shoot a ball from the semicircle line and then if missed (which is most of the time) the master catches the ball but can't move and then shoot. We take turns until one gets it in. And guess what??i scored FOUR TIMES from the semicircle line which is like FAR AWAY FROM THE HOOP okay. not as far as three pointer line... BUT then there's no backboard for assistance. so... really four times.. is like. FREAKING GOD TOUCHING MY HEAD AND SHOWING ME THE LIGHT.

4. on a lesser note, i got an EXCELLENT idea for a short story. will be revealed LATER XD

5. read the scariest story ever. gave me freaking goosebumps. so gory and all that crap. go read it.

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The Sea Breeze [an extract]
Sunday, October 9, 2011 // 1:36 AM

Her blue eyes stared straight at me, the dark pupils highlighting the depth of her hidden secrets. Her black hair swayed in the gentle wind, the waves reflecting the sunlight, sending haphazard flares of light into my eyes. Under the sun, her hair created a halo around her and even as she walked away, I couldn’t help but stare. The fluidity of her movements as she waltzed across the pathway of fallen autumn leaves left me breathless. As she walked away, I could still remember the steely glint of her eye, unrelenting and cold, giving nothing away, but taking everything. There was a feeling she gave everyone she came into contact with. It was a sort of pleasure, but you could also feel her malicious intentions. Even when she used you to your advantage, draining everything from you until you were sucked dry of life, she would make you feel as if it wasn’t her fault. And then there were the days when she would let you drift past, her very presence like a breath of fresh air in your hectic lifestyle. But sometimes there were those days when her anger towered above you, making you feel horribly insignificant and as her rage poured out, wiping out everything in her path, you would know better than to incite her.

I followed her, regardless. She had a certain pull on people. People would go to her when they felt depressed and her relaxing presence would wash their fears away and suffocate their thoughts with a silence that was both meaningful, but at the same time so haunting. People would go to her when they were in the epitome of happiness and she would reflect the joy and show you, in her own unique way, that life was easier if you just enjoyed the little things. Perhaps I realised, somewhere deep inside of me that I would find peace with her. Perhaps I knew that I needed her just like she needed me. We were the opposite halves of the equation and she was everything I wasn’t, but we could only survive with one another.


Ulzzangs and Makeup.
Saturday, October 8, 2011 // 8:43 PM

Okay, i admit it. I used to think people who caked on the makeup daily were.. weird. I didn't despise them.. cause that's just stupid. But i do admit that my respect for them would fall slightly, cause really, no one needs makeup to be beautiful. Truly beautiful, from the inside. 

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I Hope...
Thursday, October 6, 2011 // 1:09 AM

So i was going to have a long winded rant on how today was just awkward but really it's 1 in the morning and i ceebs.
lets just say being a third wheel is hard work. No kidding. It takes real skills to balance the fine line between being friendly with both sides and yet still giving them space. But since i'm sandy wong, i pulled it off fine :)

i hope.

and then i was writing some stuff for asianfanfics so i needed some inspiration which i took from Cry by MBLAQ. To be honest, the first time i heard it, i thought it was so so. It was nice, but not captivating. After having listened to it more than five times and watched the music video twice i have to admit, it's pretty amazing.

Cept the swimming in water was a TAD awkies. But the rain bit was just... took my breath away. Well guys dancing in the rain is HOT. ... hm that sounded lame.

and then i was going to have another long rant on my weirdass dream that for some reason, Hong Ki played a major role in. LOL. So i have another inspiration to write. But! i've been awake for... 17 hours already and my brain is fried. Let's just hope i still remember it tomorrow. And did you know he's starring in a musical? Will rant about that tomorrow. :)
Wait.. make that later today.
As of now, let's just enjoy some Hong Ki icons. ^_^ (which unfortunately i did not make but dw! i will find some time after yrlies to make some beautiful pictures of Hong Ki =]) Which btw, is pronounced Hong GI. So if i hear another one of you rub in my face how i like a honk-ky guy i will slap youXD 
and i just realised how major my celeb crush is to dream of him . LOL. but that's okay.. cause he's dreeeamy ^_^

laugh with me?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 // 12:07 AM

today, was.. an inspiring day. LOL.
well i learnt five things.
1. I really like the smell of chlorine for some reason. keke. it's just me maybe but whenever i walk into a swimming pool, i smile. i even like it when (after swimming) i can still smell the chlorine on my skin. LOL i can imagine everyone backing away from me now. :)

2. I find it weirdly attractive when people who don't necessarily need glasses wears them. But they wear it.. kinda cute/sophisticated. aha it just makes them seem 100 more times cuter :)

3. Apparently if a guy gives a girl a necklace, it means they're being possessive. i didn't not know that o.o sigh.. i always thought it was a romantic gesture but then again... being possessive is in a way romantic?... NAH. screw it. if a guy's being possessive .. i find that.. weirdly off putting. they should trust the girl. okay? :)

4. People's laugh can really change my view on them. LOL. For example, Taeyeon's laugh is crazy creepy and scary and low, whereas IU's laugh is high but normal/crazy. She laughs so much :) their laughs really brighten up your day. specially this one >> IU's crazy.
And then there are people like Leeteuk who laugh crazily high pitched. It's SO FUNNY. guess i have a bias in SUJU now. kekeke. you HAVE to go on that leeteuk link if you're sad. it's the FUNNIEST THING EVER. it sounds like elmo's. kekeke.

5. I am strangely inflexible. Seriously when i try to touch my head with my feet... well you can fit like a bball between the gap... (okay maybe slightly less) but still.

oh and i guess i learnt one more thing. IU has the best sense of humour ever! keke her joke  is soo funny. now i gues i've ranted enough.
hopefully you clicked all those links and made you laugh ^_^.

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Monday, October 3, 2011 // 5:04 PM

wow so here i am back to this old battered thing called a blog.
turthfully, i never realised it's been nearly two years since i started it and i kinda feel like it's an old citizen already, this blog. I had meant for it to last me until i was like 25 or something so then i could always browse through my younger years but i guess the archives list would be WAY too long.

so my new skin. It's based on the Kelly Clarkson song Breakaway. 
which reminds me, have you heard the new song by her: Mr Know It All. It was featured on the MTV Buzz Worthy 5 must hear pop songs of the week. And it's part of her album 'Stronger' which will be out October 24th! Now i'm starting to sound like an advertiser.

So holidays... there's only a week left. T_T
and i guess i'm spending it very productively with all my time on asianfanfics.com.
LOL. but then again i feel like reviewing is degrading my brain. 
anyhoo, imma sign off here. i will come back SOON. :)

P.S the icon is from migumeki's huge stash here.

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Monday, August 29, 2011 // 5:37 PM

wow is this blog dead or what?
so anyways. camp just passed. and lemme just say this. it sucked.
it was the best. come on, seriously. when have we ever been allowed to hang out with the guys since 10 at night. usually the teachers are just scared of hormone crazy people :)
but no. we were allowed and the bus was fun as well! that was about it. the rest was kinda boring. although... interesting.. in a way. just not interesting in the way that it would make you jump up and down.

i'm really thinking of changing of my skin but i c b b. :)
